Posted On 25 Sep 2018
Shame on you Iceland!
Everybody knows by now that Blue Whales are in danger of extinction. No nation, even among the few of those still slaughtering whales, dares to hunt and kill a Blue Whale.
Thanks to a ban by the International Whaling Commission, it has been so since the 1970s.
Well, a whaling company from Iceland thought what the heck, who cares, and did it anyway!
They tried to get away with it, but those fabulous guys from Sea Shepherd caught them red handed.
And discovered that, if it was not bad enough, the same company slaughtered over 20 Fin whales as well. In case you didn’t know, Fin whales are on the list of endangered species as well. For more infos click here.
To support our campaign, have a look into the first 100 pages of our new novel “Walespirit” – a story about saving the whales, saving the ocean and a passionate love story against all odds –just click here (or go to Amazon, type Whalespirit and click on the cover “WhaleSpirit” by Daniel Thomas).
Usually, under the “look inside” option, you get to read the first 5-10 pages for free. We asked Amazon to make it possible, that you can read the first 100 pages for free!
And if you enjoyed what you have read, buy the novel. For every book sold, 50% of our royalties is going straight as a donation to the non-profit Sea Shepherd Conservation Society!
And this is our new project:
To all artists: Please join us!
Japan plans to resume commercial whaling this summer. Let’s show them that we won’t tolerate these massacres any longer.
Whales are the Buddhas of the oceans, help us protect them. For further information or if you want to support the project, don’t hesitate to contact us – click here.