


Whales are saving the climate

saving whales in the oceans, Wale, Wal

Blue Whale slaughtered

Goodbye Vaquitas

mini dolphin, whales, oceans

Plastic, plastic, plastic...

Do you know the “joke”: ‘What do bowhead whales and plastic bottles have in common? They can get several hundred years old and live in the sea.’  That’s right and it’s not a joke… it’s a sad reality. And often enough the plastic ends up in the stomach of a whale. At least 8 million tons of plastic waste leak into the world’s oceans every year.   

Whalespirit - a story about whales & the oceans, wale

To support our campaign, have a look into the first pages of our new novel “Walespirit” – a story about saving the whales, saving the ocean and a passionate love story against all odds – just click here (and click on the cover “WhaleSpirit”).  

Usually, under the “look inside” option, you get to read the first 5-10 pages for free. We asked Amazon to make it possible, that you can read the first 100 pages for free

And if you enjoyed what you have read, buy the novel (ebook or paperback). For every book sold, 50% of our royalties is going straight as a donation to the non-profit Sea Shepherd Conservation Society!

And this is our new project:

Artists for whales, whales, artists

To all artists: Please join us!

Japan plans to resume commercial whaling this summer. Let’s show them that we won’t tolerate these massacres any longer. 

Whales are the Buddhas of the oceans, help us protect them. For further information or if you want to support the project, don’t hesitate to contact us – click here. 

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